Tracts 131 - 140

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,
that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:4

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... (lest) that day come upon you unawares" Lk 21:34, is the warning of Christ relative to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, and its future destruction in the approaching Tribulation; but it relates also to His second coming: first to remove His Church, and seven years later to establish His millennial kingdom.  Both advents will occur with the speed of lightning, Lk 17:24. 

Are you prepared for His coming - certain that you'll be taken to heaven when He removes His Church?  If you're left behind, His second coming will result in your being banished into hell to await the resurrection of damnation, Jn 5:29, and consignment to the eternal torment of the lake of fire, Rev 20:15.  Prepare for His coming by admitting that you're a sinner, and by believing that He died in your place for your sin.  In response to that faith God will accept you into heaven. 

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You may know that the Bible teaches the need of being saved, e.g., the Philippian jailor asked, "What must I do to be saved?" and was told, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt    be saved," Acts 16:30; and in John 3:17 it is written, "God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."  But do you know what you need to be saved from? 

God warns that all who die without having been born again, John 3:3,7, will enter hell, and remain there in torment until the resurrection of damnation, John 5:29, following which they will be cast into the eternal torment of the lake of fire, Revelation 20:15.  That is what Jesus Christ died to save you from! 

If you die without having had that new birth, a terrible eternity awaits you, your eternal remorse being compounded by the fact that the salvation you rejected was so simple that even a little child can understand it.  To be saved, simply admit that you're a sinner without any righteousness, Romans 3:23; believe that Christ loved you enough to die in your place for your sins, and that in response to that faith God will pardon all your sin and receive you into heaven, John 3:16. 




Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to die to find out whether you're going to heaven, for Scripture warns that all are going to hell, and can be fitted for heaven only by being born again by choosing to believe in Christ as Savior.  That belief however, requires more than just mental assent to the historicity of Christ: it requires 

(1)acceptance of God's indictment that all are unrighteous, 

(2)belief that Christ loved me enough to die in my place for my sins, 

(3)belief that in response to that faith God will pardon all my sin and receive me into heaven.  

And there is another requirement.  The choice must be made in God's time; but that undisclosed time frame does not include all of one's life, hence the warning, "Now is the accepted time."  Once you pass beyond that time you may live for many years, but you cannot be saved.  By default you will irrevocably have chosen hell as your eternal abode. 

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There are two kinds of life: physical, and spiritual; and natural birth has given us only the physical, which fits us to live only here on earth, so that spiritually we are dead, hence Christ's warning, "Ye must be born again," for to die without spiritual life is to enter hell.  Unlike physical life, relative to which we had no choice, spiritual life, without which we can't enter heaven, must be chosen.  How?  It is received by faith, faith to believe that 

(1) you lack it, and are therefore destined for hell, 

(2) Christ loved you, and died in your place to make spiritual life available to you as God's priceless gift, 

(3) in response to that faith God pardons your sin, bestows His gift of spiritual life, and will receive you into heaven.  

Choose today.  Tomorrow you could be dead. 

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Natural birth brought you into this world as you, and death will take that same you out of it; but Jesus Christ offers a new birth exempt from death, and without which death will take your body to the grave, and your soul to hell.  By the new birth men become new creatures destined for heaven at the death of the natural body or at Christ's return, their physical bodies being but the chrysalis enveloping the new creature.  For those born again, death is the opening of the chrysalis that releases the new creature into its proper environment, heaven. 

Is there another you?  Have you been born again through faith in Christ as your Savior?  Or are you still as you were at birth, without spiritual life, and destined first for hell, and then the lake of fire for ever?  Christ loved you enough to die in your place for your sins, so that you might be born again.  It is eternal tragedy to waste His sacrifice by unbelief. 

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Your funeral service will probably include a eulogy which will cause some to wonder whether the eulogist is talking about the person they knew in life, for death often endows the deceased with virtues not readily apparent in his life.  Nor does the misrepresentation stop at the eulogy.  He is portrayed as being at rest in heaven, when Scripture declares that he is in torment in hell. 

Do you wish truth to be spoken at your funeral?  The minister will be able to assure the audience truthfully that you are at rest in heaven only if you have been born again by confessing yourself a sinner without righteousness, believing that Christ died in your place for your sins, and that in response to that faith God will pardon all your sin and receive you into heaven. 

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Jonah is the butt of ridicule, yet not to believe the story is to make Christ a liar, for He said, "As Jonah was three days and nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and nights in the heart of the earth" Mt 12:40.  Jonah's experience is a picture of Christ's, his time in the angry sea portraying Christ's suffering at Calvary, and his being swallowed and vomited by the fish, a figure of Christ's burial and resurrection. 

At his own command the sailors saved their lives by throwing the prophet into the sea, but this is also a typological picture, for as they believed that Jonah's death would save them, so can men be saved from hell and fitted for heaven only by believing that Christ died in their place for their sins, as it is written, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" Jn 3:16. 




...that sitteth upon many waters" Rev 17:1, is the great false church which is Satan's counterfeit of the true Church, and as the true Church consists of born-again men and women, so does the counterfeit consist of those who profess to be Christians, but who have never been born again, false teaching having deluded them into believing that baptism, confirmation, church membership, etc., are the equivalent of the new birth.  All such are members of the travesty which God calls "the great whore," and His warning is, "Come out of her" Rev 18:4.  If you haven't been born again, it doesn't matter what church you attend, you are spiritually a member of "the great whore," and are on your way to hell, not heaven.  If you can't remember a time and place when you were born again, your danger is great, for the rapture of the true Church, and the judgment of "the great whore" are both imminent. 

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Who or what is "the beast" mentioned in Revelation?  He is the man, who in the fast approaching Tribulation period, will rule the old Roman Empire revived as a ten kingdom confederation.  He will be one of the trinity of evil: Satan, the beast, and the false prophet, opposed to the Divine trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  After the now imminent removal (rapture) of the true Church, he will be revealed, and the false prophet will compel all to receive the mark of the beast and to worship him or die.  Some will refuse, and many of them will die, and go to heaven; but those who receive his mark will be cast into hell at Christ's return to reign.  Those who have heard the Gospel, but who haven't been born again during this present Church age, will be left on earth at the rapture, and will worship the beast.  Have you been born again?  The Church could be raptured today, leaving you to become a worshipper of the beast, thereby damning your soul eternally. 

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About 600 years before Christ, God said that Christ would enter Jerusalem on April 6, 32 A.D., riding on an ass's colt, and He did.  Could anyone but God have made such a prediction?  That same God warns that all who die without having been born again,  will first enter hell, and then the lake of fire to endure eternal torment.  He has made many other predictions, not one of which has been wrong.  What makes you think He will be wrong about your entering hell and the lake of fire?  Only a fool would gamble the eternal fate of his soul against such impossible odds.  You can be born again today by admitting that you're a sinner, believing that Christ loved you enough to die in your place for your sins, and that in response to that faith God will pardon you and receive you into heaven.  Tomorrow could be too late.  Tomorrow you could, to your eternal horror, learn that He was right when He warned of the need to be born again. 

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     Scripture portions taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version
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