Tracts 061 - 070

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,
that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:4

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When the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:22, “ Adam all Christ shall all be made alive,” it doesn’t mean that because all men die physically, all are going to be made alive spiritually.

All of us by natural birth inherit Adam’s nature and physical characteristics.  We are so inseparably linked with him that the Bible says we are in Adam, and because of that all die.  In this we have no choice.  As descendants of Adam we are born with sinful natures.  We can’t help sinning any more than an apple tree can help producing apples.  We can no more produce righteousness than can an apple tree produce oranges.  And because of sin we are all condemned in the sight of God Who has declared, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4).

The end result of sin is that we are unfit for heaven; and at death, unless having trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior, our souls must first enter hell, and later, the lake of fire, to exist in torment for ever (Revelation 20:15).

“A cruel and unfair decision on God’s part, since I have no choice as to the kind of nature with which I’m born,” you say; and were it not for one circumstance, I would have to endorse your assertion.  That circumstance is that while we have no control over the fact that we are born with a sinful nature, born to sin,  condemnation, and death, we do have control over whether to remain in that condition.

Adam brought himself, and all his posterity, into that state by an act of disobedience; and each man can take himself out of it by an equally simple means: obedience.  Adam incurred the sentence of death by one disobedient act, and man can obtain the gift of eternal life by one act of obedience.

The test of Adam’s obedience was in regard to God’s command not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The test of man’s obedience today is equally simple: “...but now (God) commandeth all men every where to repent” (Acts 17:30), and to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 16:31).   God cannot be  charged with injustice when he makes redemption available by the very same means as brought the original condemnation.  To refuse to believe on Christ is to be just as disobedient as Adam, and therefore worthy of the same condemnation, for the Creator has the right to require obedience of the creature.  And this is not mere caprice on God’s part.  Disobedience on the part of any creature mars the perfection of His creation, and none can dispute that God has the right not to permit the desecration of what He has made for His own glory, and man’s enjoyment.

Someone may object, “Why, then, did God allow man to sin?”

The answer is very simple.  God has made man in His own image, so that man might live for ever in the enjoyment of fellowship with the Creator.  But that required Him to give man a free will, without which man is reduced to the level of the beast, and therefore unfit for companionship with God.  Without a free will man is a mere automaton.

That free will however entails responsibility.  Man must choose whether he will exist for ever in the torment of the lake of fire, or in the eternal bliss of heaven, sharing the rule of the universe with Christ (2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 22:5).

It seems incredible that man should hesitate in regard to such a choice, but the truth is that in his fallen state he has become a fool (Romans 1:22), who deems it better to continue in a rebellion that will end in his own destruction, rather than to save himself by obeying the command of God to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and in that saved state to be restored to an even higher place of privilege and blessing than that from which the disobedience of Adam had removed him.

Simply stated, man, refusing to believe in Christ as Savior, binds himself to the ruin chosen for him by Adam, instead of using his own free will to save his soul from eternal torment, by believing that when Christ died on Calvary’s cross it was for him.

Where do you stand today?  Bound to the eternal misery and death chosen for you by Adam, and without your consent; or in the eternal blessing and peace chosen by your own free-willed acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Savior?  He died the death incurred by the disobedience of Adam, so that all who are in Adam might end that deadly association, and become a new creation in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17), for as natural birth gave us Adam’s fallen nature and guilt, so does the new birth give us Christ’s holy nature and righteousness, without which no man can enter heaven.  That’s why Christ has declared the imperative of that new birth, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God....Ye must be born again” (John 3:3-7).

“In Adam all Christ shall all be made alive.”




In Guy DeMaupassant’s famous short story The Necklace the tale is told of a proud young woman who was invited to a ball.  Lacking expensive jewellery of her own, she went to a wealthy friend and borrowed a beautiful necklace for the occasion.

As she laughed and danced, she little dreamed that in a few short hours the glitter of the ballroom would give place to ten long years of poverty and toil.

That night she lost the necklace!

A week’s frantic search failed to reveal a trace of it, so she and her husband then began an equally frantic search of the jewellery shops in an effort to find a duplicate so that her friend wouldn’t learn of the loss.

At last they found one - but, the price was 36,000 francs.  They borrowed everywhere, bought the necklace, returned it to her friend, and then began the ten-year long task of scrimping, living in poverty, working day and night, both growing prematurely old and worn, to repay the borrowed money.

Ten years later the last franc was repaid, and shortly afterwards the woman, no longer young, no longer proud, chanced to meet her friend on the street.  In response to the friend’s amazed inquiry regarding her drastically altered appearance, the woman, now no longer caring, related the story of the replacement necklace, only to learn that the original had been an imitation worth less than 500 francs!

Pride and deception resulted in ten years of misery.  Pride led the woman to borrow the necklace, and had she not borrowed it, she wouldn’t have lost it.  Had she confessed the loss instead of trying to hide it, the cost would have been a paltry 500 francs instead of 36,000.

There may be a moral in this story relative to the life of the reader, for it is possible that pride and deception may cost you, not just ten years of misery, but an eternity of torment.

Pride keeps men and women from admitting that they are sinners, and they deceive themselves by assuming that there are other ways of escaping hell and entering heaven, other than repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ as the One Who died in their guilty place for their sins, when He Himself warns that there is no other way, declaring, “I am the way ... no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6), God adding the further warning, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

How much more terrible will be the eternal torment of the unbeliever when he discovers, too late, that confession of sin to God, and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, would have brought his soul into the eternal bliss of heaven instead of the eternal torment of hell and the lake of fire!




Have you ever had your plans suddenly interrupted by an accident, illness, death of a loved one, unexpected unemployment, etc., and did it occur to you that it might have been God’s way of trying to get your attention?  He warns, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Pr 27:1), and in Job 33:14 it is written, “For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.”

Suppose one of those sudden interruptions to your plans had been your death, where would your soul be now?  You say, I’m not sure.  Your very uncertainty declares that it would be in hell, for the Bible assures those who trust Christ as Savior that they are going to heaven, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life (1 Jn 513).  The unbeliever however, is warned, “He that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (Jn 3:36).

“But,” you protest, “I do believe in Christ.”  So do the demons, but it doesn’t save them, “The demons also believe, and tremble” (Jas 2:19).  You see, believing about Christ isn’t the same as believing in Him as your Savior, as the One Who died in your guilty place at Calvary.  Many believe about Him, but they wouldn’t confess publicly that they have been saved from hell and fitted for heaven by believing in Him as their personal Savior, but unless that public confession is made you are going to hell and not heaven, for it is written, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Ro 10:9).

I repeat, What if the next sudden interruption to your plans were your death, where would your soul be?   




On April 8, 1996 John McSherry, while umpiring a baseball game, dropped dead of a heart attack in front of thousands of fans.  He was scheduled for a medical checkup the next day!  Suddenly, without warning, he went from time into eternity, as do countless others every day.  One day, perhaps sooner than you think, you too must go into eternity - to heaven or hell, depending on whether you have been born again through faith in Jesus Christ as the One Who died in your place, for your sins, He Himself warning, "Ye must be born again" Jn 3:7.  Without that new birth, your place in eternity will be first hell, and then for ever the lake of fire, Rev 20:15.  God warns, "Now is the accepted time" 2 Cor 6:2, for, "Ye know not what shall be tomorrow" James 4:14.  For you too, tomorrow could be too late.




You have no choice in regard to the fact that your lineage goes back to Adam, which means that also without choice you are a sinner, excluded from heaven, and condemned to eternal death, for Adam’s sin is imputed to all men, because he was the federal head and representative of the human race, and “In Adam all die” 1 Co 15:22.

But you do have a choice as to whether to remain in that state!  By accepting the fact of your bad parentage, and by believing that Jesus Christ loved you enough to die in your place, you have God’s assurance that that faith takes you out of Adam and into Christ, and “in Christ shall all (who believe) be made alive” 1 Co 15:22.

By refusing to trust in Christ as your Savior, you are choosing to remain in Adam, and therefore to remain condemned to eternal torment in the lake of fire (Rev 20:15).  Isn’t it madness to remain condemned by Adam’s foolish choice, when by your own choice to trust in Christ as Savior you can save yourself from that condemnation?   




The counterpart of Adam and Eve’s attempt to cover themselves with fig leaves, is man’s futile attempt to fit himself for heaven by good works, but God warns that, “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” Isa 64:6.  Church membership, prayer, Bible study, moral reformation, philanthropy, self-denial, or anything else man might do, won’t save him from hell, and fit him for heaven.  To be acceptable to God “Ye must be born again” Jn 3:3,7, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, God’s assurance being, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” Ac 16:31, for, “To him who worketh not, but believeth on Him Who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” Ro 4:5, “By grace are ye saved through faith, not of works, lest any man should boast” Eph 2:8-9.




It is a relatively new religious phenomenon, and a far cry from the prayer of the penitent publican, “God be merciful to me a sinner” Lk 18:13.

This new “sinner’s prayer” is an inherent part of the new false “gospel” that ignores man’s ruined state, the reality of hell, the need of conviction of sin, repentance and an obedient life.  It simply invites men to “ask Jesus into your heart,” not to cleanse from sin, save from hell and fit for heaven, and be Lord of the life, but to improve the lifestyle, and be the panacea for life’s problems.  No such gospel is found in Scripture, but the very opposite, Christ Himself warning true converts, “In the world ye shall have tribulation” Jn 16:33.  This new deadly “gospel” deludes its dupes into believing that they’re saved when they aren’t, that they’re going to heaven, when they’re still on the road to hell.  If your hope of heaven is based on your having repeated this popular “sinner’s prayer” to some would-be-evangelist, then you have no hope!  Genuine conversion results from conviction produced by the Holy Spirit, resulting in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, not as Savior from life’s problems, but from hell.




Relative to His return, Jesus Christ warned that, “As it was in the days of Lot, thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” Lk 17:28.  The rampant homosexuality of today marked those days also, and brought God’s judgment, and he who doubts that AIDS is God’s judgment on this sin should read Ro 1:27.  This, however, is only the precursor of more terrible judgments yet to envelope the world, but prior to those judgments Christ will remove all believers to heaven, and warns that those left, who had rejected the Gospel, will have no further chance to be saved, but will be banished into hell when He returns to establish His millennial kingdom, 1 Co 15; 1 Thes 4; 2 Thes 2.

If He were to remove believers to heaven today (and He could), would you be included?  To be ready for His coming, admit that you are a sinner without righteousness, believe that He died as your Substitute at Calvary, and that in response to that faith, God will pardon all your sin and receive you into heaven. 




Tekel, meaning “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” Dan 5:27, was written of one who was feasting and drinking, knowing not he had but a few hours left to live.  He is typical of many today.  He had ignored God, but now, about to die, he trembled.  What if you were to learn that you had but a few more hours to live?  Are you prepared to meet God, certain beyond doubt that you’d be in heaven?  Some day, perhaps today, you will die, and God warns, “Prepare to meet thy God .... For it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”  If you can’t remember a time when, and a place where, you were born again by confessing yourself a sinner, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, God’s warning to you is, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.”




“Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee” (Lk 12:20) was the announcement of God to a rich man making plans for a future he didn’t have, though he didn’t know it.

Do your plans presume a long future?  What if, without knowing it, you too have entered your last few hours?  Will your soul be in heaven?  You don’t know?  Then God says, “Thou fool”, for not to know is to admit that you have never been born again (Jn 3:3,7), and will therefore be in hell.

Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise” (Lk 23: 43) was the assurance of Christ to a man who, like the other, had also entered his last few hours of earthly life, but he knew it, and had prepared for eternity.  He had been born again.  He had trusted Christ as his Savior, and was therefore certain of being in heaven.

You have either the assurance of Christ’s today, or of God’s tonight.  Prepare now to meet God.  You may not have a tomorrow.





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     Scripture portions taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version
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